Flatulence, Or Bloating: Causes And Remedies

Bloating, a symptom associated with excess gas in the intestines, is one of the most common gastrointestinal complaints. If the occurrence of flatulence is periodic, then such a phenomenon is not considered a symptom of a disturbance in the functioning of the digestive system. However, if bloating is a daily problem, you need to visit a doctor and, accordingly, find the true cause of chronic flatulence.

What Is Bloating
Bloating is a build-up of excess gas in the digestive tract.
Flatulence results from swallowing air while eating or talking, and as a result of digestion and bacterial fermentation in the intestines (mainly in the colon). In the latter case, the amount and composition of gases depend on the type of food, the composition of the bacterial flora, and the intestinal passage’s efficiency. The body usually copes well with removing excess gas, but certain problems can arise in some cases.
If the accumulation of gases is chronic, accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.
Causes Of Increased Gas Formation
Bloating can be associated with decreased stomach acid secretion, dysfunction of the pancreas, gallbladder, and liver. Also, flatulence is a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease and functional bowel disorder.

The main factors in the development of flatulence are usually attributed to the following:
. Increased gas production in the intestines due to excessive fermentation and slow movement of feces;
. Intolerance to gluten (celiac disease), a protein found in wheat and other grains
. Excessive swallowing or uncontrolled intake of air through the mouth;
. Problems with the release of gas, for example, due to intestinal obstruction;
. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS);
. An operation previously performed on the abdominal cavity;
. Disturbance in the work of the digestive tract as a result of pathologies of the liver, pancreas , bile ducts;
. Diseases of the central nervous system;
Most flatulence cases have been found to be associated with irritable bowel syndrome, which is classified as a functional disorder. The cause of this disorder is usually psychological and is twice as common in women. In this case, treatment usually consists of relieving symptoms and normalizing the psychological background.
How Flatulence Manifests Itself
People who complain of flatulence experience primarily a feeling of “bloated” abdomen and internal discomfort. In addition, there may be frequent gas emissions and a feeling of pressure in the left or right hypochondrium (due to the presence of air).

It is worth noting that flatulence can be accompanied by atypical symptoms, such as shortness of breath and chest pain. Sometimes bloating is accompanied by Remheld’s syndrome (Botkin’s syndrome, or cholecystocardial syndrome) – a combination of gastrointestinal symptoms with chest pain. Remheld syndrome can cause breathing problems, heart palpitations, and chest pain (similar to angina pectoris).
Diagnostics In The Development Of Flatulence
Diagnosis of flatulence is not difficult; an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity clearly shows the accumulation of gases. The challenge lies in determining the root cause of bloating, the underlying condition.
In chronic flatulence, the obligatory minimum of laboratory tests includes a general and biochemical examination of blood, faeces, determination of protein, glucose, liver enzymes, and amylase.
In some cases, the doctor prescribes an endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract, followed by a biopsy. It is also possible to prescribe MRI diagnostics or computed tomography.
How To Prevent Excessive Build-Up Of Gases?
The best way to fight flatulence is to prevent it from forming. In many cases, the following habits and methods are effective:
. Eat slowly. Chew each piece of food thoroughly, preferably at least 30 times, eat calmly, without rushing or talking;
. Avoid eating foods that cause flatulence. These include sweet, carbonated drinks, some types of alcohol (wine, champagne), as well as cabbage, legumes and onions (including green);
. Move around, especially after eating. Moderately intense physical activity facilitates the passage of intestinal gases. After eating, it is better not to sit; it is recommended to walk or do light exercises;
. Follow the drinking regimen. Daily use of 1.5 litres of purified water without gas reduces the risk of constipation and, accordingly, flatulence.
Therapeutic Methods
Naturally, the only correct way to treat flatulence is the diagnosis of the underlying disease and subsequent therapy. However, if bloating is a recurring problem and is not associated with serious gastrointestinal abnormalities, symptomatic treatment is possible. So, the doctor may prescribe the following remedies to reduce gas production:
. Activated carbon. Has a pronounced adsorbing effect, due to which the binding and removal of gases occurs;
. Preparations based on simethicone. Such drugs consist of silicon-containing compounds that reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles in the intestine, which facilitates its excretion;
. Probiotics. In case of flatulence against the background of dysbiosis, probiotics are recommended, i.e. beneficial bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.
Important! Probiotics should be treated like medicine and used when justified. They are not recommended for people with impaired immunity and severe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
It has long been proven that the intestines react to stress, which contributes to the development and exacerbation of intestinal diseases, including the overproduction of gases. Experts in gastroenterology often say that the gastrointestinal tract has its own separate nervous system – the “second brain”. Therefore, it is not surprising that physical factors and state of mind contribute to bowel disease.
Prevention is better than cure. So use Bio Cultures Complex to stay away from gas, intestine, and bowel diseases.
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